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The Ceramic Guild of Southwest Finland organised the "ITU - IN SITU" – project in the yard of Living Culture Koroinen ry from 14.8. to 30.8.2020.

The sculptor Miika Karttunen designed an ITU sculpture, consisting of hand-built and hand-turned cylinders, which was moulded from clay on top of a fire pit made of refractory bricks. In addition to Karttunen, the team included ceramicists Jonna Oksanen and Cornelius Colliander. After ten days of moulding, the sculpture was dried and fired into ceramics in a kaolin kiln built around the work. 

The making and firing of large clay sculptures into ceramics in situ is rare in Finland.

The event was communal and public-friendly: passers-by could experience the construction of the work from start to finish, culminating in a spectacular firing event. The team needed many helping hands for the stages of making the work. In addition to the members of the the Ceramic Guild of Southwest Finland, students from the sculpture group of the Kaarina Community College, Raseko's clay builder training, Osuuskunta Turun Tuulenpesä and the ceramics group of the Raisio Opisto, among others, were involved in the work. Individual volunteers with an interest in the subject also made an important contribution.


Svenska Kulturfonden and Föreningen Konstsamfundet provided grants for the project, thank you.


ITU can be seen and experienced at its place of creation in Koroinen (Koroistentie 2, 20380 Turku).

Pictures and video from the project

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